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mobilitree logo, stretching, fitness, flexibility

What is the The Mobility Lab?

The Mobility lab is an interactive guide which will allow you to choose the area of your body which is experiencing discomfort or pain and will provide you with a walkthrough guide on how to treat the area with the aid of the Mobilitree.

mobiliy Lab anchor

How do I use The Mobility Lab?

4. Perform the exercises

3. Look up the exercises

1. Access The Mobility Lab

2. Choose your
affected area

5. Get back to living!

 The Mobilitree will help reduce those everyday aches and pains and will show you how to do so with the use of The Mobility Lab. The Mobilitree can be used in any environment Home, Office, Jobsite, Workshop, Sporting Facility, Health Clinic, School or University to get you back on track and living life to the fullest!

Move freely without anything holding you back.

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