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How to avoid muscular & joint pain when flying.

Long flights can take a toll on your body, leading to stiffness and discomfort. Staying comfortable during these hours of inactivity requires a proactive approach, including the right nutrients and physical activity. Here’s how you can tackle inflight stiffness and keep your body relaxed during a flight.

Understanding Inflight Stiffness

Inflight stiffness primarily arises from prolonged periods of sitting in a confined space. This can reduce blood circulation and cause muscle tension. The lower oxygen levels in the cabin can also contribute to fatigue and further discomfort.

Key Vitamins and Minerals

Incorporating certain vitamins and minerals into your diet before and during your flight can help maintain normal muscle function and promote blood circulation:

  1. Magnesium: This mineral helps in the relaxation of muscles and nerves. It can be found in nuts, seeds, whole grains, and leafy green vegetables. Consider taking a magnesium supplement or eating magnesium-rich foods before your flight.

  2. Vitamin B Complex: B vitamins, especially B1 (thiamine), B6, and B12, support nerve function and energy production. They can be beneficial in combating tiredness and weakness during flights.

  3. Potassium: Like magnesium, potassium helps with muscle function and prevents cramps. Foods high in potassium include bananas, potatoes, and avocados.

  4. Vitamin D: While Vitamin D is primarily known for its role in bone health, it also aids in muscle function. A lack of Vitamin D can lead to muscle weakness.

Stretching and Physical Activities

Engaging in light stretching and movement during the flight can significantly reduce stiffness and improve circulation:

  1. Neck Rolls: Gently roll your head in a circular motion, which can alleviate neck stiffness.

  2. Shoulder Shrugs: Lift your shoulders towards your ears and then release them down. This helps release tension in the shoulder and neck area.

  3. Ankle Circles: Rotate your ankles in circular motions to improve blood flow in your legs and reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

  4. Seated Leg Lifts: Lift your legs straight out in front of you while seated, hold for a few seconds, and lower them back down. This can help stimulate circulation in your lower limbs.

  5. Walking: Whenever possible, take a short walk along the aisle. This not only helps in stretching your leg muscles but also assists in maintaining good blood circulation.

Additional Tips

  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water before and during the flight to help maintain muscle function and prevent dehydration, which can exacerbate muscle cramps.

  • Comfortable Clothing: Wear loose, comfortable clothing that does not restrict your movement or circulation.

  • Relaxation Techniques: Techniques such as deep breathing or meditation can also help in reducing overall body tension during the flight.

By preparing with the right vitamins and engaging in simple stretches, you can make your flight experience more comfortable and reduce the discomfort associated with inflight stiffness.

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